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October 7 BUZZ

Happy Monday!

We hope all families had a wonderful long weekend and were able to get outside and enjoy our amazing fall weather.

On Friday, our certificated staff had a valuable Professional Learning Day. They were able to collaborate with other teachers within EIPS to learn and grow from each other. 

At Glen Allan students and staff have been focused on our third School Education Plan goal of "working collaboratively to foster a positive school culture of collective responsibility." We are continuing to implement our BE PAWS: character traits that students and staff identified as foundational for respectful interactions and active citizenship expected from Glen Allan students and staff. 

The four BE PAWS are: 

  • BE Kind
  • BE Respectful
  • BE Responsible
  • BE Helpful

We encourage each student to embody those character traits with the overarching message being BE YOU! 

When students are "caught" demonstrating the BE PAWS, they can be recognized with a PAWS-itive referral. Along with the written certificate, students are entered into a draw for a pizza lunch, and have their photo taken to be displayed for the month. It's been wonderful to celebrate all the kind, helpful, responsible, and respectful students at our school! 

It's a great week for a great week!

Please read through the following blog post articles for important Glen Allan information. 





First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Information

Photo Galleries

  • First Nations, Metis and Inuit Giant Map
  • Glen Allan Highlights

WEEK AT A GLANCE  October 7 - 11


  • Read in Week starts
  • Welcome to our student teachers Mr. Lee who will be working alongside Mrs. Balog and Miss. Morin who will working alongside Ms. Budney


  • Classes will be getting together with their Buddies to do share some books and read together.
  • Local author, Kevin Todd will be reading his new book "Love Doves" to a few of our classes.


  • Bring a stuffy and read my shirt day.


  • Students from Bev Facey will be coming to Glen Allan to read to a few classes.


  • Flashlight Friday! Bring a flashlight to read with throughout the day.
  • Glen Allan students continue to BE Responsible, Respectful, Kind, and Helpful


Read In Week 2024 is taking place October 7-11.

Read In Week is a divisionwide initiative held annually to encourage a lifelong love of reading and to enhance literacy awareness among students, staff, families and community members. This year’s theme: “Reading is for everyone.” Some of our activities planned for Read In Week include:

  • Library Display: We will have Award Winning Books displayed in our library to highlight some of the great materials we have in our library.
  • Monday October 7
    • Division 2 - Marty Chan’s Virtual Book Launch
  • Tuesday, October 8
    • Buddy Reading Day 
    • Local author Kevin Todd will be visiting the school to read his new book, "The Love Doves"
  • Wednesday, October 9
    • Read to a Stuffy and Read My Shirt Day - staff and students are invited to wear shirts with words on them that we can all read and bring in a favourite stuffy
    • Division 1 - Marty Chan online author visit
  • Thursday, October 10
    • Bev Facey Readers Visiting Glen Allan Elementary for grades 1-4
  • Friday, October 11
    • Flashlight Friday
    • Live author event for the book The Acorn went a Little Wild

Glen Allan Elementary invites all families to participate in Read In Week by reading yourself, with your child or with someone in the community. For more information, visit the Read In Week website.


Book Fair Volunteers

From October 21-25, we will have Scholastic Book Fair happening in our library. 

We will need volunteers for:

  • Wednesday, October 23: 4:00-7:00pm
  • Thursday, October 24: 4:00-7:00pm 

Volunteers would be helping students find what they're looking for, restocking items, and being a cashier for purchases. If you are interested in volunteering to help out during Book Fair, please email your availability to Mrs. Brownlee (Assistant Principal and Library Teacher)

Caregiver Series: October Sessions

Alberta Health Services offers free online programming for parents and caregivers of children and youth. Sessions are offered through Zoom. The list of October 2024 sessions is now available.

There are two featured series:

  1. Understanding Anxiety: a four-part series that includes topics of Calming Our Bodies, Settling Our Minds and Overcoming Avoidance
  2. Wellness Exchange: 2 sessions covering topics of Managing Reactions and Helpful Thinking


Numeracy Corner

How Can I Help My Child Look Forward to Math?

Read this document to discover simple ways to support your child's math learning at home. Learn how your positive attitude and involvement in everyday math activities can help your child build confidence and see the value of math in daily life.

Math is Everywhere: Strawberry Math!

Math is everywhere, even when you're shopping for strawberries! Check out this quick, fun activity to do with your child that involves estimation, patterns, and real-world math.

Recovery Alberta: Addiction and Mental Health Newsletter

The October edition of the Alberta Health Services Addiction and Mental Health Newsletter focuses on energy drinks - 2024 October AMH School News Energy Drinks


Teacher Professional Learning

Our teachers will be engaging in Professional Learning with our First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Learning Team later this month. They will each spend some time developing ways to have students/classes write their own Land Acknowledgments and deepening their understanding of how to incorporate Indigenous ways of knowing, being, and doing into their everyday teaching practice. 

Giant Floor Map 

Last week, all classes utilized our Edukit with the Giant Floor Map of Turtle Island. EIPS First Nations, Metis and Inuit Consultants led our grade 4-6 students through learning of Residential Schools using the map. Grades K-3 used the map to learn about the relationship between people, animals and the land. 

Our next Edukit will be Traditional Games that will arrive in November. Stay tuned for more information!


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