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October 1 BUZZ

Happy Tuesday!

Welcome to October, Glen Allan families! We hope you had a restful day yesterday in recognition of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, a time for reflection, learning, and honoring the experiences of Indigenous Peoples. Last Friday, our students and staff came together for Orange Shirt Day, wearing orange to show our commitment to reconciliation and the message that every child matters.

As we move forward, we’re excited to celebrate World Teachers' Day on October 5th. It’s a wonderful opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude to the incredible teachers at Glen Allan, whose dedication, kindness, and guidance shape the hearts and minds of our students every day. Let’s take a moment this week to express our appreciation for the difference they make in our community.

It's a great week for a great week!

Please read through the following blog post articles for important Glen Allan information. 

Upcoming events and important dates





First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Information

Photo Galleries

  • Orange Shirt Day
  • Glen Allan Highlights

Upcoming events and important dates:

  • October: Cybersecurity Awareness Month
  • October: Women’s History Month
  • October 2: Early dismissal]
  • October 3: First Nations, Metis and Inuit Self-Identified Students Lunch
  • October 4: Professional Learning Day (schools closed to students)
  • October 5: World Teachers’ Day
  • October 7-11: Read In Week
  • October 10: Bev Facey Guest Readers visit Glen Allan 
  • October 10: World Mental Health Day
  • October 14: Thanksgiving Day (schools and Central Services closed)
  • October 17: Glen Allan School Council Meeting 6:30 pm
  • October 21-25: Book Fair
  • October 23: Parent Teacher Conferences
  • October 24: Parent Teacher Conferences
  • October 25: Picture Retake Day
  • October 28: Smudging Invitation for First Nations, Metis and Inuit Self-Identified Students
  • October 31: Halloween

WEEK AT A GLANCE - September 30 - October 4


  • National Day for Truth and Reconciliation - School Closure


  • First day of October!
  • Welcome many substitute teachers to Glen Allan as teachers are working with EIPS Literacy Consultants on the EIPS Writing Pilot Project


  • Early Dismissal - students dismissed at 2:08 pm
  • Evacuation Drill 9:30am


  • First Nations, Metis and Inuit Self-Identified Students Lunch
  • Reminder, the new playground design survey deadline has been extended to October 6. If you haven’t yet completed the survey, please add your ideas and complete it with your child so they can add their ideas too! SURVEY LINK


  • Professional Learning Day (No School for students)
    • Teachers engaged in collaborative learning in a Division-led Professional Learning Community Day 


2024-25 School Fees

School fee information for the 2024-25 school year is now posted on the PowerSchool Parent Portal. 

  • All students will have a Noon Supervision fee.
  • All Grade 1-6 students who purchased an agenda from the school will have an agenda fee, those who agreed to purchase their own, will not have an agenda fee.
  • All Grade 4 students who chose to have a school provided recorder will have a recorder fee.
  • Grades 2 and 3 students will have a field trip fee for activities that have already been scheduled.

All fees are due within 30 days of being posted. To access your fee information, simply log in to the PowerSchool Parent Portal and go to “Student Fees.” There you can view your fees and pay them online. 

NOTE: Don’t forget to also log in to the PowerSchool Parent Portal regularly throughout the year. Fees are often added to your child’s account to cover the cost of various school activities such as field trips, class projects, extracurricular activities fees and more.

Fee Waiver Applications
If you’re unable to pay your school fees, you can apply to have certain fees waived. The application deadline is Dec. 16, 2024. The application form can be found on the public EIPS website.

If you have any questions, please contact the school at 780-467-5519 or you can email Mrs. Delainey at


Book Fair Volunteers

From October 21-25, we will have Scholastic Book Fair happening in our library. 

We will need volunteers for:

  • Wednesday, October 23: 1:00-3:00pm and 4:00-7:00pm
  • Thursday, October 24: 9:30-12:00pm, 1:00-3:00pm, and 4:00-7:00pm 

Volunteers would be helping students find what they're looking for, restocking items, and being a cashier for purchases. If you are interested in volunteering to help out during Book Fair, please email your availability to Mrs. Brownlee (Assistant Principal and Library Teacher)

Did You Know? Committee of School Councils (COSC)

EIPS is committed to a productive and collaborative relationship with parents and caregivers. As such, the Division has a Committee of School Councils (COSC) comprised of representatives from school councils across EIPS. From October to May, COSC members meet monthly with the Board of Trustees and senior EIPS administration to discuss educational issues and trends, while sharing valuable information with one another to best enhance student success. In recognition of the effort and dedication of EIPS families and staff in engaging with their school communities, the Division was honoured to receive the Division School Council Engagement Award from the Alberta School Councils’ Association last April. To learn more, visit the EIPS website.


Evacuation Drill

In our ongoing efforts to keep you informed, we want to let you know that students and staff will participate in an evacuation drill on Wednesday October 2.

An evacuation is used when it is unsafe to remain inside the building. In an evacuation, students and staff exit the building and gather at a designated location outside the school. In the event students and staff must remain outside for an extended period of time, they may move to our alternate indoor evacuation centre. 

With safety as a top priority, we will continue to review emergency preparedness procedures with our staff and students. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Thank you for your ongoing support.

Celebrating World Teachers’ Day: October 5

October 5 is World Teachers’ Day! Launched in 1994 by the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), World Teachers’ Day is celebrated annually around the world as a way to recognize teachers and the integral role they play in providing quality education to students. On October 3, Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) encourages all of its students, parents, caregivers and community members to show their appreciation for their teachers and the positive impact they make on our lives.

EIPS extends its heartfelt thank you to all Division teachers for their dedication, hard work and commitment in guiding and educating students through their kindergarten to Grade 12 years.


Orange Shirt Day and Ongoing Learning at Glen Allan

Thank you to our Glen Allan community for wearing your orange shirts on Friday. It is another piece of evidence of our continued commitment to learning about, and carrying out, the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action. It was an outward sign of our students’ and school community’s acknowledgement of the impact of residential schools and that Every Child Matters. While Monday was officially the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, our work extends beyond one day. At Glen Allan we have a staff committed to learning with students about the history and legacy of residential schools and how to make meaning in an age-appropriate way, in addition to engaging in lessons and activities about Indigenous ways of knowing, being and learning. 

This week, EIPS First Nation, Metis and Inuit consultants will be using the Giant Floor Map to teach our students about a variety of topics. This map shows the locations of Indigenous communities, residential schools, reserves and more. Rather than political borders, Canada is broken up into Indigenous language groups.

Our grades 4-6 students will be learning about Residential Schools and our grades K-3 teachers will be using the Giant Floor Map to demonstrate the relationships between people, land and place.


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