September 16 BUZZ

Happy Monday!
We have a great week ahead of us! We are kicking it off with on Monday with Dot Day, inspired by Peter H. Reynolds’ The Dot. As the book teaches, “Just make a mark and see where it takes you.” We hope all students find the courage to embrace their creativity and unique potential.
And we are wrapping it up on Friday with our Terry Fox Assembly and School Run, During the run we encourage students to remember Terry’s words: “I want to try the impossible to show it can be done.” Let’s come together as a school community to honor his legacy of perseverance and determination.
In between those two events we also have our first Glen Allan School Council meeting of the year, hosted in our school library on Thursday at 6:30 pm. All parents and caregivers are invited to attend.
It's a great week for a great week!
Please read through the following blog post articles for important Glen Allan information.
- Glen Allan School Council Meeting - Thursday, September 19 **All caregivers welcome!
- Playground Survey
First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Information
- Engaging Times at Glen Allan Elementary
WEEK AT A GLANCE - September 16-20
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Glen Allan School Council Meeting
Our first Glen Allan School Council meeting is this week. All parents and caregivers are welcome to attend on September 19 at 6:30 pm. The meeting will be held in the library and there will be a Microsoft Teams link available for those who are unable to join in person.
The meeting agenda and meeting link is posted here.
The Glen Allan School Council is a wonderful way to be involved in your child's school community. Parents play an important role in student success. School councils allow parents to participate in decisions that impact student learning. By contributing knowledge, perspective, and ideas at school council meetings, parents are actively contributing to the success of the school community.
Playground Survey
A big project for the Glen Allan School Council this year will be Phase 2 of the Playground Replacement project. Last year was the fundraising year, and this year is about the design of the new playground. The first part of this phase is to gather input from families, students and staff about how students like to play on the playground and design features that would be on a wish list.
The survey linked below has a pathway for families to respond, a pathway for student responses, and a pathway to collect staff input. Please take some time to give your suggestions and feedback on the new playground:
Glen Allan Spirit Wear
Are you looking for a nice way to kick off the school year? Glen Allan Spirit Wear might be just the thing! You can order sweatshirts, t-shirts, hoodies and more in any color you choose! You get to choose your logo and the placement of the logo. There are amazing features such as customizable naming, so we know who the item belongs to when it is in the lost and found bin! Sizing charts are also available online.
Visit our Glen Allan Entripy shop today:
Family 2 Family Parent Information Sessions - Glenrose Patient and Family Resource Centre
Join Glenrose clinicians and community partners for virtual presentations providing strategies and resources on topics that affect the quality of life for children and families.
Alberta Health Services and the Glenrose Hospital are hosting virtual presentations for parents/caregivers of children with diverse abilities and additional needs. Families do not need to be connected to the Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital and do not need to have a mental health diagnosis for their child in order to attend the sessions. For more information or to register for any of the sessions, parents/caregivers can contact Charlene Prochnau, Family Centered Care Coordinator, at or by phone (780)735-7999 ext. 15578.
From Worry to Wellness
Empowering Parents to Help Children Navigate Anxiety
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
6:00 - 7:15pm
It can be hard to know how to support your child when they're experiencing anxiety. Join Kirsty Choquette for this presentation where we'll explore what anxiety is, how to talk to your child about anxiety, and how you can help them (and yourself!) move through the worry.
Sleep Strategies for Neurodivergent Children and Caregivers
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
6:30 - 8:00pm
This presentation led by Dr. Carole Anne Hapchyn will provide a brief review of key information about sleep and then focus on frequent causes of childhood sleep challenges and specific interventions and strategies to support improved quality and quantity of sleep.
Behavior: The Tip of the Iceberg
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
6:00 - 7:30pm
In this presentation, we seek to understand behaviors through a developmental and relationship-based approach, being mindful of individual differences and the social and emotional development of our children. Join Dr Jessica Zvonkovic and Dr. Anahita Shokrkon as we look at potential causes and triggers of behaviors and will talk about how to address what often underlies behaviors from the "body up to the top down." Finally, we will explore how we can build positive experiences with our children.
Terry Fox Run - Friday, September 20
Toonies for Terry will be collected Thursday and Friday. Students can bring toonies to school to donate to the Terry Fox Foundation. Toonies will be collected by the classroom teachers.
The Terry Fox School Run will happen on Friday September 20 at 2:00 pm. After a brief assembly the whole school will gather outside Be Like Terry, and run our Terry Fox loop in the back field. Parents, caregivers, and community members are welcome to join our school community for the Terry Fox Fun Run outside!
Below is a video you can watch as a family from CBC Kids - Why Terry Fox is a Canadian Hero
Evacuation Drill
In our ongoing efforts to keep you informed, we want to let you know that students and staff will participate in an evacuation drill on Friday. We had a very successful drill last week, with students demonstrating the BE Paws of being responsible and respectful during the drill.
An evacuation is used when it is unsafe to remain inside the building. In an evacuation, students and staff exit the building and gather at a designated location outside the school. In the event students and staff must remain outside for an extended period of time, they may move to our alternate indoor evacuation centre.
With safety as a top priority, we will continue to review emergency preparedness procedures with our staff and students. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Thank you for your ongoing support.
Opportunity for Smudging
Mrs. Brownlee has started to connect with our Self-Identified students and their families. A Permission Click was sent out regarding monthly smudging with Leaha Atcheynum, one of our EIPS First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Education Advisors. During these optional gatherings, Self-Identified students are given an opportunity to smudge, and learn from Leaha's teachings on a variety of topics.