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February 3 - 14 BUZZ

Happy Monday!

It's a great week for a great week!

This version of the BUZZ includes information from February 3 and 10 as we have a very short week with Teachers' Convention.

Please read through the following blog post articles for important Glen Allan information. 





Monday Feb 3

Tuesday Feb 4

  • Parent Teacher Interviews / Book Fair Open

Wednesday Feb 5

  • Early Dismissal - 2:08 p.m.

Thursday Feb 6

  • Teachers' Convention - Schools Closed

Friday Feb 7

  • Teachers' Convention - Schools Closed

Monday Feb 10

Tuesday Feb 11

  • Grade 5 Energy Presentation

Wednesday Feb 12

  • Wills Wednesdays - Friendship Club

Thursday Feb 13

  • Dungeons and Dragons Club Gr. 4 - 6

Friday Feb 14

  • Valentine's Day
  • February 17 - Family Day - Schools Closed
  • February 20 - Glen Allan School Council (GASC) meeting - 6:30 p.m. in the library
  • February 24 - 2025-26 returning student registration closes
  • February 26 - Pink Shirt Day
  • February 28 - Glen Allan Beach Bash Dance
  • February 28 - Bev Facey Round Dance


Kindergarten Registration is Now Open!

Is your child turning five on or before Dec. 31, 2025? If so, it’s now time to register for kindergarten. To register, simply complete the online registration form at

To help families prepare, Elk Island Public Schools has put together an online EIPS Kindergarten Tool kit to make the transition as smooth as possible. The kit includes information on registration, important dates, programming options, what to expect, eligibility, how to find your designated school, transportation and more.

New for the 2025-26 school year, EIPS is piloting three full-day, every-day kindergarten programs. If interested, families can register their children for these programs until February 28. Learn more

Complete your Returning Student Registration: February 10-24

Elk Island Public Schools’ (EIPS) returning student registration process is now open. All current students, except Grade 12, must complete the online Returning Student Registration Form to confirm their enrolment in a school and program for the upcoming 2025-26 school year. Additionally, students who want to attend a non-designated school or program need to make that request through the returning student registration process—acceptance is based on available space. All current EIPS students are required to complete the form by Feb. 24, 2025.

To complete your child’s returning student registration, refer to the Returning Student Registration Form email you received from Elk Island Public Schools through Permission Click on February 10. Families will receive one email for each student. No log in is required to complete the form.

For more information, contact the school directly.


Returning Student Registration Process
Frequently Asked Questions
EIPS School Boundary Maps
Closed Boundaries 2025-26
Find my designated school
Applying to a non-designated school

Did you know?

The next municipal election is on Oct. 20, 2025—an important component of this is the election of school trustees. Trustees are elected representatives who are knowledgeable about the communities they serve, and are accountable to students, families, staff and community members of a school division. Once sworn in, these individuals work diligently to promote and advocate for a strong public education system. Learn more

Round Dance

Bev Facey is hosting a Round Dance on behalf of the division. The event will take place on February 28 and is open to all EIPS staff and families. More information will follow.

Regulation Strategy - Concentrated Flipping

Here at Glen Allan we are aimed at enhancing capacity to nurture emotional resilience and well-being among students. We are actively involved in collaborating with our staff to introduce effective regulation strategies and deepen understandings of brain development. We continue to work on integrating these strategies into everyday classroom practices.

This weeks regulation strategy is Concentrated Flipping. For this focused attention strategy you will need a pen or pencil. In your dominant hand you are going to hold your pen/pencil, and the goal is to try and see how many times you can flip it and catch it in a minute.

To make it harder try and get your pen to do 2 rotations before catching it. 


Field Trip 50/50 Fundraiser!

GASC (Glen Allan School Council) is pleased to present our 50/50 fundraiser in support of bussing for field trips at Glen Allan School!

Sales launch February 3 and run until March 3.

Tickets are:

1 for $5

3 for $10

10 for $20

50 for $50

Click here to buy (Beginning February 3)

Thank-you for your support!


Beach Bash

Coming Soon…

We are happy to announce the return of the Glen Allan Elementary Annual Family Dance! It will take place in the school gym on Friday Feb 28, 2025.

Early bird tickets purchased between February 3-9 receive a gift at the door the night of the dance. Tickets are purchased on the Hot Lunch website at  Single tickets are $5 and a family (up to 6 people) is $20. Final dance ticket sales will resume from February 18-26.

The dance will feature a photo booth, concessions, face painting, temporary tattoos, games, prizes and some super cool tunes!  Please bring cash as there will be no debit or credit accepted.  This is one of the few fundraisers organized throughout the year but our #1 goal is to be together and have lots of fun!

To make the night an extraordinary experience for the students we will need a lot of help.  If anyone is able to volunteer a little of their time, please email: to sign up for a shift or two.

We encourage everyone to dress in their coolest tropical beach wear.  As it will be cold outside, please dress in layers.  There will be a place to put boots, jackets and warmer layers that you take off.  Keep in mind that the black lights will make anything white or neon glow!

Dance Ticket Sales:

Early bird: Feb 3-9

Hot lunch sales: Feb 10 -17

Dance ticket sale resume: February 18-26

Strathcona County Supports

Just a quick February update, we have a couple programs coming up soon that have some space if there are any families you think would be interested. 

Upcoming Free Programming - Calendar here 

Raising Resilient Children: For caregivers of children ages 2-10 years  

Wednesday February 12, 12-2pm. 160 Festival Way, Sherwood Park 

Children's emotional resilience, or ability to cope with feelings, is important in their long term success in life. Join us as we explore six key skills that build resilience in children and help them bounce back.  

Kids Have Stress Too! For caregivers of children ages 3-9 years  

Thursday February 20, 6:30-8:30pm. 160 Festival Way, Sherwood Park  

Stress is a normal part of life, but too much can be overwhelming. Join this workshop to look at strategies for children ages 3-8, to help reduce stress and support your child to develop coping techniques.  



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